August 15, 2011

Keeping Busy

I haven't been on here in awhile. Yard work came late this year because of our traveling and so we have found ourselves out there every chance we get. We are still waiting for the wild flowers to come to full bloom. We did get a small cluster of tiny, hard, green grapes on the grape vine. I hope summer continues until at least October first!

Things have been really great here. The weather has been gorgeous, being outside spectacular, getting together with people we care about, caring for each other and our four furry girls, times of laughter, creating in the yard and on our new deck. Sedona is talking now in full sentences and she is 25 months old. Nothing is better than viewing the videos of her that mommy and Papi keep updated on their site and of course Skyping.

The Quail have been busy making baby Quail and we had a total of 34 babies between three pairs of parents. I have no idea where they go when they get big. I wonder if they have some type of GPS system that helps them find new territory. Hopefully they all weren't carried off by some hawk or eagle. Can't think of that.

Thought for the week (or month or whenever I get back here).
This world is one big mystery. It hides behind the fabric of our poor, browbeat days, shining brightly and we don't even know it. We are given life and everyday, no matter how small, we need to find something beautiful within our life. So, let's celebrate the uniqueness of ourselves and keep our attitude positive as best we can and each day will be a great one.

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