January 5, 2011


Winter has certainly arrived and keeping us all dressed up in white. It has been so cold this week our lawn has changed it's normal winter green to white frosting with patches of deer prints decorating it and it has stayed that way because of the 6 degree temperature. I am cozied up in my home with my four cats and husband. I knew that I would be spending a lot of time in my studio this winter. So, I have made the best of it and created MEMORYMARKERS. They are so much fun to make and I use a torch and solder to create them. I form the bezels myself and have come up with these very cool pendants that I have given as gifts over the holidays and have decided to feature them on my Etsy site. If you need a special gift for someone, please take a look on my Etsy site. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year in health, spending time with people who you love and who love you, enjoying nature and what each season brings, peace and time for yourself.

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