That's right, getting ready. I was down in San Diego, California for two and a half weeks and it was lovely there. Everything was in bloom. Sedona wore her sunglasses every time we went out for a walk (which was every day). I got over my spring blahs quickly that I seem to get every year in Bend. That is because there is NO SPRING here. We are still waiting and it's June 6th! So I guess it does no good to complain, but just enjoy whatever the day brings. One gets so excited if blue skies show up in the morning, you almost want to put on your bathing suit! Well, maybe not go quite THAT far, but shorts for sure. We have had a little sun over the weekend and I was outside redoing my flower beds, getting them ready to harbor some color. It will be more of the same today. I think we are ready to downsize. Where to move next, that is the question.