Welcome to my world.
What a day! Actually what a two weeks it has been! I got home from Hawaii and kept on relaxing for three more days and then had to get myself out of the vacation mode because I had to make some jewelry and get my house back in order. My desk is happy because it's been busy....my mind is a mess because the desk is happy.
I have not had time to call anyone, so my friendships may be in jeopardy. I'm not feeling too good about that. I don't know where the day goes, and I know that sounds like a trite saying, but it is so true for me, especially today.
I got up to my phone going off and laid there for awhile thinking it was the clock radio, when I realized I don't have a clock radio. Jumped out of bed to talk to Tiffany for about 15 minutes. Went back into the bedroom and Jim had gotten up, so I climbed back in, thinking I would maybe get a couple of more winks. Guilt came and tapped me on the shoulder, so I threw off the covers, after all, it was 8:10. I made the bed, cleaned out the cats eyes, gave them medicine, cleaned the cat box, took my pills, put lotion on my face to get rid of the pillow marks (yeah, like that is going to work), fed the cats, got dressed, came downstairs. Took a breath, since I didn't do my yoga. Packed up the cookies I made for mom that needed to get shipped today along with a jewelry order, which took me awhile since I kept misplacing the packaging tape and my glasses. While retrieving a tin can for the cookies in my closet, a basket fell off the shelf and now I will have that to clean up. Chair pads decided to join in the fun and tumbled down on top of the flipped over basket. Cat's came to investigate. Had a small breakfast while I petted Sadie, our needy cat. Fed the birds and filled the bird baths with water. Folded a load of laundry. Checked my email and checked out jewelry supplies that I need to order. Made a sample charm for an order I have. Concerned that I don't have enough PMC for the order. Stressed about that for five minutes. Cleaned out the downstairs cat box. Talked to my step son for 20 minutes about his children. Thought about going outside on the upper deck for some fresh air, but changed my mind. Reorganized my metal stamps. Called my Aunt Marie who is 91 to catch up. Feeling bad about not calling my friends. Wondering what I will wear out to brunch if we go on Easter. Are jeans acceptable? Got back on line to see a lesson on stamping. Forgot to eat lunch so reheated leftovers in the microwave and walked out to Jim who is rototilling the wild flower bed to see if he wanted any...it's now 3:00. Jim is taking the cookies to Fed Ex for me and I need to get back to work now.
This has been a typical day for me lately. Now, don't you feel better about your day? Glad to oblige.