November 26, 2011
November 7, 2011
Jewelry Affaire
Memory Markers are in a magazine! My friend Angela Cartwright asked me to encase her artwork in my jewelry. I made pendants and earrings for her. She wore them to Stampington Publications and they wanted to put them in their magazine. We collaborated on the article and along with photos of the jewelry and it was published.
October 23, 2011
August 15, 2011
Keeping Busy
June 6, 2011

May 11, 2011
April 29, 2011

And if you have the audacity to find it and the courage to
make it your focus, in spite of the countless temptations
to do otherwise, you will have learned well, your life will
be transformed, and all things will be added unto you.
"End" game,
The Universe
April 19, 2011
Now, do you feel better?
March 25, 2011
Remember Maddie James

March 24, 2011
You just have to Live
March 17, 2011
To someone a bit more savvy, during easier times, one might explain God, metaphorically, as if "She" were always loving, nurturing, and forever conspiring on our behalf.
And to someone on the verge of a total breakthrough, during the latter days of human evolution, one might explain God by asking them to turn up the music, take off their shoes, walk in the grass, unleash the dogs, free the canary, catch a breeze, ride a wave, dance every day, get up early, take a nap, stay out late, eat chocolate, feel the love, give stuff away, earn it back, give some more, and laugh.... Really.
Really, really.
Catch a breeze,
The Universe
March 9, 2011
Red WIne, Dark Chocolate and Sadie cat
Nothing brings the peaceful state of BEING like a glass of red wine, dark chocolate and sitting on the couch petting a needy cat. That is where I found myself tonight. No phone calls, no working on projects. Just feeling the peace that petting a cat who is in need of purring. What satisfaction there is in that for me. I rescued three of my cats from a breeder who was not high quality. I feel my cats are lucky animals. I have a friend who has rescued Golden Retrievers and I see in her house the same love I have for my animals. How lucky these unsuspecting animals are to have been welcomed into a loving home. How my heart aches for animals who are less fortunate. Why are some animals chosen by people only to be chained up to protect their residence and spend a lifetime of being chained up, never knowing they are really loved. Do they even miss it?
Sadie, our “middle child” is the most timid and I had the realization today that maybe in some way, she senses that she doesn't get as much time as the others. We have Portia, who is 16 years old and sleeps most of the day. We have Lexi who is five and is like the alpha cat and who is very bonded with me. She sleeps up by my head every night. Sadie is four and is the loner. She meow's the loudest when she wants our attention. And her voice sounds so forlorn. Mini is the also four, but came to us at the same time as Sadie, rather under nourished and in need. We didn’t think she was going to make it, but now she is so attached to Papa (Jim) and loves to be groomed by him several times a day. Anyway, tonight I became aware that Sadie has her own special needs and when she is so vocal in the morning and is waiting for me to come into my studio to pet her on the couch, that she is in NEED. She loved all the attention she got tonight and I found it a blessing for me as well. Petting a cat makes you sit still for awhile after a busy day and reflect on how wonderful life is. Thank you Sadie for bringing me peace.
March 7, 2011
Thought for the week
Low days exist to remind you that you still have choices. High days, exist to remind you of how fast you rebound ... among other things. Boing, The Universe |
February 21, 2011
The Universe Speaks
Just curious, Cassandra, but when was the last time you relied upon me?You know, consciously realized you weren't alone as you went about your daily affairs, choosing a path, finding a parking space, or a new friend, or a great idea... and expected, at least, a little something? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Well, let's just say we do it more often. K? The Universe |
February 20, 2011
Jackie Saburido
February 16, 2011
My little Sedona

Here is a little update on Sedona Marie Bode. She is starting to say more words and loves Elmo. She is so much fun and I adore her. Her favorite food is pasta. Can you tell? Lars just covers his eyes...it's too much mess. BUT mommy cleans her up and then Papi takes her and makes her laugh. They are a good team in raising Sedona. Sedona can say, "Bless you" if you sneeze and one has to be careful what you say around her, as she will most likely repeat it. She loves to dance and play. She is such a delight and a blessing to all of us.
January 10, 2011
Thought for the day
When you understand why something hurts, it stops hurting. When you understand you have options, you take action. And when you understand you have wings, you can soar again. Capisce? |
January 5, 2011

Winter has certainly arrived and keeping us all dressed up in white. It has been so cold this week our lawn has changed it's normal winter green to white frosting with patches of deer prints decorating it and it has stayed that way because of the 6 degree temperature. I am cozied up in my home with my four cats and husband. I knew that I would be spending a lot of time in my studio this winter. So, I have made the best of it and created MEMORYMARKERS. They are so much fun to make and I use a torch and solder to create them. I form the bezels myself and have come up with these very cool pendants that I have given as gifts over the holidays and have decided to feature them on my Etsy site. If you need a special gift for someone, please take a look on my Etsy site. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year in health, spending time with people who you love and who love you, enjoying nature and what each season brings, peace and time for yourself.
Me and My Lexi