Happy Birthday to Jim's mom, Adelka McElroy, who is 96 today and still as feisty as ever living in her home in Rhode Island.
December 18, 2010
A Winter Wonderland
Woke up to about 7" of beautiful snow this morning. The pictures are of my garden, that has frozen over and is hibernating for the winter, the view from my studio window where I watch as the birds feed and the little bird house that they haven't been visiting lately. We scatter the seed on the ground under the trees and leave water out on the deck for them. If they are lucky the birds will have their fill of seed before the deer come by and chase them away. Then we chase the deer away....although I DO feel sorry for them, but just have to get my mind around the whole nature thing. I could not stand outside in a pair of hooves and deer hide to save my life. It's so freezing cold out there! They are just built with wonderful insulation. 

More snow is due the rest of this week. It's a good time to sip hot cocoa and eat all the Christmas goodies I have been making. I like being in my studio during this time also. I put on the iPod full of Christmas carols and I am in a little bit of heaven. I get melancholy and engulf myself in memories and like to taste my tears, (if I may quote my daughter Tiffany) during this wonderful time. I miss my friends and my family. BUT everyone is healthy and happy and I am enjoying the thoughts, tears, joy and love I feel, so what is there to complain about. Nothing. Did you notice the snow on the roof of the bird house?? Our driveway looks the same way.
December 14, 2010
The Joys of the Holidays
The holiday season can be a stressful one. There is shopping to do, parties to go to, the question of what to wear and will it fit, meals to plan, special traditional sweets to bake and more traffic to make one's nerves blow a fuse. We must settle down and realize that the preparation for the get together with friends and family that we cherish so much is what the holiday is about. Take a breath and say the word ENJOY and be THANKFUL. If possible, buy a toy for a tot, donate to a charity or volunteer to help someone shop who cannot get out for themselves. Realize that the excitement of the season lends itself to all this commotion, last minute touches to make those that we love feel special. A little handmade gift or something that reminds you of the special person will give the most joy.
What I love is feeling the winter where I live. The snow is slipping in sideways, gently pushing the tiny snowflakes that are resting on the trees and the ground. Some snowflakes move out of formation and stick on the windows. My cats are sitting on the window sill enjoying the view and the warmth from the fireplace. My family will not be joining us this year, so I will put up some decorations and of course the old nativity creche that my parents agave me when I was first married in 1970. I have re-thatched the roof several times with moss over the years. I love the message of Christmas and do like to sit and reflect what it means to me and how it makes me be a better person. I have a lot to be so thankful for. The many friends I have made over my lifetime who accept me unconditionally. My son and daughter who have brought me the most joy in my life. My husband who I trust, feel secure with and who is always here for me. I have wonderful memories of a childhood with a best friend and memories that have made me who I am, no matter how painful or wonderful they have been.
I am wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and Hanukkah, Peace of Mind, Love and Tolerance of each other in the new year. Be Happiness Itself.
December 4, 2010
December 3, 2010
November 23, 2010
What Happy Looks Like

October 31, 2010
Celebrating Halloween
Happy Halloween
October 24, 2010
October 17, 2010
Life Before Death
"Live so that you are at ease, in harmony with the world, and full of joy.
Day and night, share the springtime with all things...."
If you knew you were going to die in a year, how would you live differently these next twelve months?
If you knew you were going to die in a month, how would you live differently these next 30 days?
Celebrate your life and accept all the seasons it brings.
October 4, 2010
How to hen peck
I visited a small farm yesterday. Actually, it was a riding stable, but there was a large chicken coop there and all kinds of chickens strutting around. I couldn't help but notice this large white hen run up to something tiny and carry it away in it's beak. This little critter was dangling from the chicken's beak, arms and legs limp. This caused quite a stir in the chicken yard. All the inmates had to run along behind this chicken, that had scored a prize, to see what it was. Instantly, their curiosity got the better of them and they took on CAT NATURE. The white chicken made a bee line out of the area, running into the brush, trying to get away from the onlookers. They remained hot on her tail. She went full circle and came back to the yard, the helpless little critter dangling and dancing to a beat it did not want to dance. Miss White finally dropped the critter, which I think was a baby mouse and proceeded to peck it. She pecked it over and over....gave it a piece of her pecking mind. I'm sure he gave up the ghost at that point. The big brown chicken made his move and picked up the dead critter and ran with it. This is what is called: sports in the barnyard. Whoever had this little critter was the champion and envy of all the rest. SCORE! The dead dangle got pecked some more. So, there you have it. Hen pecking at it's worst.
August 18, 2010
Population explosion
We are watching as our yard becomes home to over twenty chip monks, jack rabbits, (too fast to count), cotton tail bunnies, (can't count them either) and Quail, mom's, pop's, teenagers and babies 8-18 hatch at a time. I think they are attracted to the wild flowers, finch bird seed and plain ole good energy. We had two chip monks last year and I counted one bunny. Never seen Jack rabbits like we have now. We have lots of grass to eat for the rabbits and worms in the grass for the birds. I think we have an over population problem. YIKES!! The teenage Quail are "doing it" because all of a sudden we have a lot more young looking parents walking around with 8-15 new babies. They are SO darn cute!! I think they have discovered the Promised Land and we are happy to oblige. However, I'm wondering if this could turn into a problem....but a friend told me that the eagles and bigger birds and other predators thin out the crowd, so not to worry. Our neighborhood cat, CeCe loves to come over and hunt through the wild flowers. Unfortunately, Susan says that he brings back a gift of a chip monk to her at times. Glad I don't witness that!
Rhode Island visit
August 2, 2010
Fire Scare
I have never had to be evacuated from my home. Today it almost happened. I saw the smoke from the Rooster Rock fire this afternoon around 2:00. My neighbor called with the news and I looked out the window to find billows of smoke filling the sky. It looked very close to our neighborhood. My husband said that we would not have to be evacuated...we would be fine and started watering the lawn. The Sheriff drove up into the driveway around 7:15. I was just cleaning up the dinner dishes. There was a frantic knock at the door. I answered and I didn't feel like it was me answering....it was like I was watching the whole scene. He told me that it was not mandatory that we left, but that the fire was out of control and he was recommending it. I called Jim and he took over the conversation. He came into the house and said that he wasn't going anywhere. I was not going to sit back and wait until the fire showed up in our yard. I felt like I was in a Laurel and Hardy skit and was running around in circles, not knowing what to pack. It was surreal. I didn't think about taking pictures off the walls or loading up all of our suitcases. A friend offered to come with his truck and help us pack things, but I wasn't sure he would be able to get to our neighborhood. I got insurance papers, went through the files for other important papers and cleaned out the safe for birth certificates, passports and other documents. I grabbed our medical folder as well as my banking folder, my journals, two boxes of old photographs, checkbooks, jewelry box, two Trader Joe bags of bathroom drawer things, two pairs of shoes for each of us and a couple of armful's of clothes and one small suitcase of other clothing. The kitty girls were wondering what was going on and followed me everywhere. I had a bag of cat food, one litter box and four kitty carriers standing by. I went around taking pictures of every room and inside the drawers. My husband did the same upstairs. I took pictures of the insides of the closets and cupboards. He made an inventory list of everything in each room that was valuable. We stood by at the upstairs windows watching the smoke from the fire head south. We could see the orange light coming up from behind the trees in the forest over behind our development. We heard Mr. Cowen on the news, who lives at the opposite end of our development, say that he could see the flames. YIKES! All of a sudden, I stopped sweating and looked up at the sky and just said, "Okay, whatever happens I don't have any control over. It's just another adventure. We will get out, along with our pets and if we have to start over with the material things, we will. The most important thing is that we are safe." And I let go. So now, it's 11:20 and I am here at the computer, not really wanting to go to bed. I suppose the Sheriff would come back to make sure everyone was gone from the neighborhood if the wind kicks up and the fire starts heading our way. I keep checking the front to see if I can still see the orange sky. Jim is eating ice cream upstairs....guess he is not worried. I'm sleeping in my clothes tonight.
July 31, 2010
Tiffany and Lars
I just visited Tiffany and Lars' site and saw this new video they posted. It says that it is a video of Sedona playing with animals, but it is the video Lars put together for their wedding. It is wonderful and I want to share it. Enjoy!
July 28, 2010
July 21, 2010
July 5, 2010
Happy Together
Jim and I went to Ashland for my niece Samantha's wedding to Jeffrey Prevatt. It was a happy occasion. I got to visit with Tom (Sam's dad) and Judy (his wife) and enjoyed Austin and Mason, Sam's adorable children. I love this picture because Jim is smiling and he doesn't like to have his picture taken, so this is a milestone. Had to post for posterity.
Our chipmonk
New babies
June 16, 2010
Quail babies are here!
I can't help but put out food for the birds. I have two thistle feeders for the finches and a bird house for the wild birds. The excess seed drops down and that is where the Quail love to scratch and peck the welcome morsels. The parents are so protective. They chase away any birds that come by while their little ones are eating. I love this time of year when the tiny Quail arrive. I've seen a baby bunny....surprised that I have seen only one, because I have heard that rabbits multiply like crazy. A friend said he saw ten rabbits in our yard when he was last over here. Yikes! The chipmonks love this place too. We had two last year and now we have at least eight who are daily visitors. They are fun to watch as they run from the sage brush onto the lawn, jumping over the tall grass. I swear they are smiling, knowing that a full bounty awaits them. Then they fill up their cheeks and run back to unload their find. They make this repetitive trip all day long. I love nature and I am looking forward to going hiking and out on the pontoon boat again this summer with our dear friends. Life is good.
Father's Day

Some people say Father's Day, as well as Mother's Day is just another Hallmark holiday. We should honor our Father, Papi, Papa, Dad, whatever term of endearment we have chosen to call the heads of our families, everyday. I remember when my dad was alive, I would make him a card on Father's Day. I think he appreciated that gift from me when I was a little girl more than any gift I bought him when I got older. What do you get a person who has everything? I remember one time I drew a portrait of him. I think he resembled King Kong in my interpretation. He was his usual critical self, but it didn't matter because I had outgrown my need for his approval. It humored me when he said I didn't use the proper drawing utensil. He had macula degeneration, so I don't think he could really tell what kind of pencil I used. His critique never did too much for my self esteem growing up, although I can't put all that on him, after all I went to Catholic school and those nuns scared the BaJesus out of me. As I got older, I understood that criticism that he gave me was because of his frustration of never being the famous artist he wanted so much to be. The best part of what I received from my dad was unconditional love. He was the one I could always go to when I had problems. He was funny and people loved him and he WAS a great artist to his four children. One year he drew pictures of my friends at my birthday party....a wonderful party favor. He suffered a lot, self inflicted with his demons.
We must never underestimate our fathers and their strength. When we are little we idolize them and think they are the smartest people on earth. Then in our teen years we wonder how they just don't "get it". Then they are gone and you realize you have taken the good things about their parenting and made them your own. I am honoring the men in my life this day who are head of the family, male friends whose children are their precious pets, the father of my children, my son-in-law who is the wonderful Papi to our dear Sedona, and especially my husband who is a fantastic Dad to his grown up children and my grown up children as well.
Happy Father's Day! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
June 15, 2010
Windy here
Today was a very windy day. I'm talking bone chilling wind. Needless to say, I did not get outside at all. Do you know what the wind does to your face? On days like this I need to apply Vaseline to my face to protect it from the wind is I step outside at all. I will look like Phyllis Diller in no time, living up here in Bend. Does anyone get a facelift when they turn 68? I'm thinking I will be needing one by then, but then what would be the point at that age? My knees will be a dead give away. AHHH, to discover how to grow old gracefully. That makes me laugh. There is nothing graceful about it!
I'm giving you young gals a tip....none of those expensive creams work. Just look who is advertising them on TV?! I think the models are in their 20's. And look at what they present to us middle aged (okay, a little over middle aged) in the magazines! For women my age they show young women with air brushed faces. Who are they kidding?! But us more mature women fall for the advertising all the time. I have a drawer full of products that have promised a more youthful look. They just don't work. The only thing that works is a face lift or injectables. There are risks with those. SO, I say may as well just be happy with what you get. Everything in the physical world changes. May as well go with the flow. What you have inside is deeper than any change. I am at the age where my mantra has become this: "I accept myself in this physical appearance. I am more than the wrinkles and wear and tear on my body. It's living life in the present and not trying to hang onto the physical body of the past that is important. Change, accept, move forward." It really helps if you can have a sense of humor and laugh as much as possible. Hang out with positive people and don't let the turkeys get you down.
June 7, 2010
May 17, 2010
May 10, 2010
April 15, 2010
Re: thought for the day
April 11, 2010
New addition
April 5, 2010
Happy Easter

March 28, 2010
All About Hearts

A casual necklace that can be worn any day. An oxidized silver heart hangs from a leather cord. An engraved brass locket along with a wire wrapped black bead adds to this special piece. There is an "S" closure. Measures 19" from closure to tip of heart. This necklace will be for sale on my Etsy site.

Made of PMC, a heart and keyhole hang from two different chains.
Total length of necklace from closure to end of key charm is 21".
The heart is textured and can be moved slightly to the side when wearing to expose more of the keyhole. A very romantic necklace and is one of a kind. This necklace will be for sale on my Etsy site.
Ready for Spring
March 26, 2010
March 23, 2010
Sedona in green
March 21, 2010
March 18, 2010
What seems like a series of unfortunate events may, in fact, be the first steps of the journey. I have learned this by personal experience. It is very true.
Everyone has a role in life. No one else can or should tell you what yours is. Though it may be hard work, it needs to be discovered and identified. To reach beyond what you think are your limits and to become part of life on your own merits, by your own strength, and in your own time.
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